European Technical Standards EN: training course

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Monday, February 8th at 11:00 and at 15:00, there will be two identical sessions of the "IHS Standards Expert" database presentation. Through this database you can view, download and print the European standards EN.

The presentations, lasting 45 minutes each, will be conducted in Webex mode, in Italian and by an IHS trainer.

The course is open to anyone interested (students, teachers, administrative staff) and is subject to registration.

Click on the link of the selected session to continue to register:

1 - Session February 8th 11:00 to 12:00 /
2 - Session February 8th 15:00 to 16:00 / /

To access the course you will need access to the Internet (to connect to WebEx), and telephone access in case you want to join the conference call to interact with the trainer (otherwise the session can be heard just from your PC).

Course Objectives

  • rules which are part of our subscription

  • how to access the system

  • all the different features available (different search modes, advanced filters, favorites list, checklist, shopping cart, alerts, etc.).


The subscription to European technical standards EN has been renewed throughout 2016.
More information about this database.

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