Projekt Dyabola [1]
Projekt Dyabola (acronym of DYnamical Accumulating DataBase on the Objects and Literature of Archaeology and classical studies) is a suite of databases produced by the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) (DAI). Chief among these is the 'Archaeological Bibliography' (Archäologische Bibliographie), which contains citations to literature published 1956-present on the subject of Old World archaeology.
Other databases include: 'Database of Attic Grave Inscriptions of the 5th and 4th centuries BCE' (Datenbank der attischen Grabreliefs des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.); 'Subject Catalog of the Roman-German Library in Frankfurt' (1992-present) (Sachkatalog der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission Frankfurt); 'Acquisitions Index of the DAI library in Madrid' (1991-2002) (Zugangsverzeichnis des Deutsche Archäologischen Institutes Madrid); 'Eurasia Bibliography of the DAI' (1998-present) (Eurasienbibliographie des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts); and monographs from the 'Bibliography of the Early and Prehistory of Europe' 1992-2006 (Monographien der Bibliographie zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Europas).
Access conditions:
Accessible from: public PCs in the libraries/wireless/off-campus.
- unipiVPN. Instructions VPN [2]
Subject area:
- Art [3]
- Literature and philology [4]
Biering & Brinkmann
Projekt Dyabola [5]
User Manual [6]
Updated to: