The Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana from 1986 and up is available in all of the different series and parts (General Series, 1st Special Series: Constitutional Court, 2nd Special Series: European Union, 3rd Special Series: Regions, 4th Special Series: Study grants, 5th Special Series: Public contracts, Part II: Insertion sheet). The update is edited in real time by the Printing Office and Mint State as soon as the documents are published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale.
-It is possible to refer to the Gazzetta Storica pdf, which is the Gazzetta Ufficiale published from 1946 to 1985.
- Gazzetta Ufficiale Certificata: The Gazzetta Ufficiale which is distributed electronically as of January 2, 2009, comply, thanks to the stamp and digital signature, the provision of Legislative Decree 7 March, 2005 No. 82 “Digital Administration Code” that defines the publications contained on valid media and relevant for all law purposes, because the reproduction is carried out in order to ensure compliance of the original documents in the file. -It’s also possible to refer to the databases, momentarily open access, made up of thematic archives originated from the information published in the Official Gazzette.
It’s available to connect to Normattiva, an archive of all the normative stock legislation published since 1946, updated daily by the Instituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato.
Access conditions:
Free online database, freely available on the Internet.
Subject area:
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato (IPZS )