The database of the Informatore Agrario contains the following full text journals with search options:
- Informatore Agrario is the most authoritative and widespread Italian farming weekly. For over 60 years it is aimed at engineers, entrepreneurs, famers, and all those who feel the need for political information, technical and economic, steady and qualified.
Is it provides updates on farming techniques, it offers suggestions for adjusting production, offers opportunities for verification and stimulus to work better and competitively.
Special issues and supplements address the technical and most topical economic arguments.
- MAD - Macchine Agricole Domani: a journal for users of agricultural machinery and mechanical enthusiasts.
- Vita in Campagna: every edition is a practical manual for care of orchard, vineyard, gardens, small farms, mechanization, environment, health and natural food, and country house. The subscription also includes Vita in campagna- Guide illustrate and Vita in campagna - Supplemento I Lavori and Vivere La Casa in campagna.
Access conditions:
The access to the database is for IP 131.114.*.* (i.e. from any station of the University of Pisa) but with the addition of the following authentication:
Subject area:
L'Informatore Agrario
Updated to: