Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (previously SVEC) is well-known as being the foremost series devoted to Enlightenment studies and has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955, covering wide-ranging aspects of the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, and is published in English or French.
A partnership between the Voltaire Foundation and Liverpool University Press is making volumes from the series available online for the first time through Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment.
The ebook collection offers a complete archive of all content published in the series between 1955-2016.
The digital text is fully searchable, and the online platform offers the ability for readers to save their own notes, highlights, and bookmarks on their own electronic copies and to export or print portions of each book.
Volumes to which you have access will also appear in the "My Library" section on the left-hand-side menu (titles list).
Access conditions:
Accessible from: public PCs in the libraries/wireless/off-campus.
- unipiVPN. Instructions unipiVPN
Subject area:
Liverpool University Press
Updated to: