The new portal of the publisher Wolters Kluwer One replaces the platform Leggi d'Italia.
The subscription includes:
- One LEGALE. For Lawyers, Company Jurists, Notaries, Magistrates
- One FISCALE. For accountants, business consultants, CFOs and administrative and tax managers
- One LAVORO. For Labor Consultants, Accountants, Companies and Institutions
- OnePA. For the Central Public Administration and Local Authorities
- Edicola Professionale
- La Mia Biblioteca
Access conditions:
Accessible from: public PCs in the libraries/wireless/off-campus.
- IDEM-GARR. Instructions IDEM-GARR
- unipiVPN. Instructions unipiVPN
Allowed 75 simultaneous users.
ATTENTION: once on the portal, select one of the products included in the subscription, select the LOGIN button at the top right > I already have an account > IDEM-GARR, choose Università di Pisa and enter your University credentials
Subject area:
Wolters Kluwer
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